On the evening of Friday, January 10th the Horizons Observatory will partner with the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park to offer a free night sky event. Starting at 5:30 pm in the Park’s Forest Center, Rob Hanson (co-director of The Horizons Observatory) will present a simulation both describing and explaining the phases of our moon, a pattern that has occurred for more than four billion years. After the presentation, we’ll step outside to witness the full moon rising over the fields of Billings Farm (weather permitting) and, for those interested, take a full moon walk in the Park. A telescope and astronomical binoculars will be available for viewing. Please note, the moon phase presentation at the Forest Center will begin at 5:30 regardless of the weather.
Dress appropriately for a winter evening outside. We're looking forward to seeing you and your friends for a night beneath January’s “Full Wolf Moon”!
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March 2024